Christian earned his Brown Belt in Karate last Wed.! We're so proud of him. The picture is at the beginning of his test so he doesn't have his brown belt on. He has been working really hard
twice a week for four years to get to this point.
Way to go Christian!
Christian also earned his wolf and three arrow points in Cub Scouts in December!
Good job Christian...and welcome back to the world of blogging Cheri! Ha, ha!
I was so surprised to see you had a new post up - yay! :)
What a stud my nephew is! I just don't wanna make him mad now that he's a brown belt.
Hi Cheri, how funny the things we remember! I don't remember telling you about what a vegan is, but I vaguely remember the shopping trip. My memory is getting so bad. I am still vegetarian, but I was never vegan. I love dairy too much to give it up. You have a darling family! It was good to hear from you!
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