I made my kids cupcakes for dinner on April Fools. They were SO excited to eat cake for dinner! Of course they weren't really cupcakes! They were veggie meatloaf with dyed mashed potatoes on top! I wish I had a video camera to record their reactions! They were priceless! Emilee took a huge bite of what she thought was frosting. She didn't think too much about it until she got to the "meatloaf" part. She then gave me the funniest look like what are you feeding me? I asked Hailee if she liked her cupcakes and she said, "NO"! Christian got really mad because he thought he was going to eat cupcakes for dinner. In fact he was so mad he went to his room and wouldn't eat them. Aubrie just smiled and ate her "cupcake"! It was a fun April Fools prank!
That is so great! I can't wait to play april fools on my kids. I was trying to think of a way to make a meatloaf shaped cake but couldn't figure it out in time. I bet next year Christian will look forward to the strange dinner! Do you remember all the times we tried to get each other with Saran Wrap on the toliet? Oh the memories!
That is so fun!! I thought of things I could do for April fools and could not come up with anything. Iwill have to use that one next year!!
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